Located on a 26 acre suburban site, the 94,000 sf, two-story steel frame structure houses Colorcon's state of the art 24/7 Tier 2.5 Data Center, Research and Development Labs, and their Corporate Headquarters. The facility was holistically designed through a team effort and is certified LEED NC Gold. It was designed to achieve 27% energy savings through its architectural, mechanical and lighting systems. This building project was designed to use 48% less general building water due to implementing low-flow water fixtures and dual-flush toilets. 95% of construction waste was diverted from landfills. Expansive windows bring natural light into the building and allow over 80% of the occupants to have exterior views. Innovative and environmentally responsible materials were used throughout the building process and careful attention to mechanical and architectural details provided the highest indoor air quality. Site strategies included development minimization, a multi-function berm, a re-forested buffer zone, a rain garden, environmentally sensitive site lighting, a vertical green wall and a roof terrace irrigated from roof water run-off.